фанат гета и паштета
со всей моей любовью к Марокко - это офигенно *_*
07.01.2010 в 17:37
Пишет .Sweeten hurt.:не могу не скопировать из журнала
URL записиA Luxe and Otherworldly Moroccan Boutique Hotel in Marrakech - Part II (the Rooms)

This, ladies and gentleman is a dream spa room for me. The tall ceilings to
the architectural details, perfect lighting and the fun designs on the wall
from the lantern all contribute to make this space peaceful and beautiful.
This is a continuation from Monday's article on the gorgeous boutique hotel
Dar Les Cigognes in Marrakech, Morocco.

Each of their 11 rooms are decorated differently and beautifully. This is the silver room. The details on the ceiling are just gorgeous.

The bathroom is not huge but it is luxurious and very well designed. The bathtub looks to be made entirely from concrete - oh the things you can do with concrete are just amazing. There are arches everywhere.

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URL записи
This, ladies and gentleman is a dream spa room for me. The tall ceilings to
the architectural details, perfect lighting and the fun designs on the wall
from the lantern all contribute to make this space peaceful and beautiful.
This is a continuation from Monday's article on the gorgeous boutique hotel
Dar Les Cigognes in Marrakech, Morocco.

Each of their 11 rooms are decorated differently and beautifully. This is the silver room. The details on the ceiling are just gorgeous.

The bathroom is not huge but it is luxurious and very well designed. The bathtub looks to be made entirely from concrete - oh the things you can do with concrete are just amazing. There are arches everywhere.

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