Писаем кипятком дальше: Тамаки - бог!
глава 69, спойлеры!Спойлеры, которых толком нету. ))
Могу только сказать, что Тамаки "переродился", снова вернулся к своему модусу дурачка, но теперь уже наш король самоуверен и счастлив - он влюблен и чувствует, что взаимно. И доводит до белого каления бедняжку Хикару (ха-ха-ха!), а их перепалки даже заставляют рассмеяться великого Кёю! Это ведь OMG!
Что-то там было еще про важный телефонный звонок Кёе, а та же загадочная бумажка с надписью "Суо Харухи-сама" непонятно какого происхождения.
В общем, Король вернулся на сцену, и Оуран возрождается из унылого го... седзе в феерию шуток. Осталось дождаться сканлэйта и зажить счастливо.
небольшое саммари забавного момента Тамаки и ХикаруKaoru says that he wanted Tamaki to be a bit lively but he never thought that he will go over the top. Tamaki has turned from 'stupid' into 'more stupid'.
Tamaki then said that it's time to put name tags on the table as to where they will sit. Kyouya asks where is Haruhi. Kaoru says that she is in the library. Tamaki happily sits Honey and Mori together.
Tamaki writes 'Suoh Haruhi' for Haruhi's name tag. Kaoru is totally shock that Tamaki is so serious that he can't puke. Honey cheers Tamaki on about it because of the cake he'll get to eat. Tamaki gets embarrassed.
Hikaru uses his phone to check the compatibility of 'Suoh Haruhi'. He says that family luck is bad that even if rich, it is a disaster. This freezes Tamaki. He then says that he'll just marry into Haruhi's family. Hikaru checks, 'Fujioka Tamaki' – family luck is bad after playing around, it's end in a break-up.
Tamaki happily says how about 'Haruhi Grantaine' (фамилия Тамаки по матери). Hikaru tells Tamaki that Haruhi is going to be a lawyer and it will be too much hassle to have that kind of surname which is hard to remember.
This made Tamaki angry as he shouts that Hikaru is bullying him when the fight is already over. Hikaru angrily shouts when did it ended and who says so. “Did Haruhi clearly tell you that she likes you?!” This shocks Tamaki.
Hikaru shouts that he thinks guys who think they are 'a gift to girls/exaggerates one's sex appeal' are rotten and the enemy of women. Tamaki happily smiles at him and tells him to go ahead and scold him if that can lessen his anger. This made Hikaru furious.
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