воскресенье, 31 октября 2010
Немножко хороших новостей от создателей сериала Camelot: сценариста Криса Чибнайла и исполнителя роли Мерлина Джозефа Файнса: избранноеНемножко хороших новостей от создателей сериала Camelot: сценариста Криса Чибнала и исполнителя роли Мерлина Джозефа Файнса:
Question: Chris, is this the Camelot from the sword in the stone to the death of Arthur, or is this taking the story in a different direction, so that there could be a Season 2?
CHRIS CHIBNALL: We have a grand plan, which if we get things right, I hope will allow for multiple seasons. We are telling the story of Camelot, using Thomas Malory’s Le Morte d’ Arthur as our source and base material. We’re starting right from the birth of Arthur, and we’ll go through and try to tell the truth that lies behind the myth. If you or I were transplanted to the Dark Ages today, these are the events that could have contributed to these myths because myths grow, change and shift in the re-telling over time. What was interesting to me, when we were talking about Camelot, was excavating what it might be like to have lived then and how these stories might have come about. There is very much a sense of different versions of storytelling within our Camelot – who tells those stories, who creates them, who shifts them. Merlin is a great, big storyteller and strategist. So, we will start at the beginning, and we will make our way through.
Being on Starz, how adult will this series be?
CHIBNALL: The great thing about Camelot is that it is an adult drama. You can talk about political pursuits, great agendas and a king bringing hope to a turbulent kingdom. The extraordinary thing in all the versions of Camelot and the Arthurian legend is that it’s all about the romance and the passion. It’s all about great ideals compromised by falling in love with the wrong person.
FIENNES: Sex gets in the way a lot.
CHIBNALL: Yeah, that’s absolutely true. It also helps a lot, to be fair. It’s an element of our storytelling because it’s part of our palettes. Also, we have some beautiful actors, so why not? (Действительно, чо нет то? Раздеть Еву Грин - это святое дело! ))))
What’s the relationship between Merlin and Arthur? Is it the traditional one of mentor?
FIENNES: We’re bringing them in very young. Their relationship really is from when he was born, and Merlin takes the boy from the Queen, at that time, who’s married to Uther. He installs the baby with a man called Sir Ector, and Sir Ector educates him in a wonderful way and nurtures him without the blood lust of the warlord king that is his father. That’s where their relationship starts. And then, when he’s a young man, Uther is poisoned and that’s the time that Merlin brings him in. Merlin has pretty much designed this. There’s a contract between Merlin and Uther, that he could have the child when he comes of age, and that’s what puts him into power. Their relationship takes many different turns and shifts. He’s a tutor, a father figure and a brutal headmaster. He’s got to give this boy all of the tools to be king in a ruthless world, and he has to do it in a very short space of time, so there’s a lot of cruel to be kind. I also think there’s a great love and respect for what this boy goes through. He sacrifices a lot to take this position of king, and there’s a huge witness of that sacrifice for Merlin. A very special relationship emerges because of that.
What is Merlin’s relationship with Morgana in this?
FIENNES: They dance around the position of who’s going to be king of the hill, in terms of the negotiation and the attainment of power. We’ll see that dance play out historically. Morgana was the daughter of King Uther, who was the right-hand man. So, their relationship has history, and we’ll see exciting stuff develop between the two of them, and see who feels they should have that position of power.
CHIBNALL: Yeah, there’s going to be a lot of contact between Merlin and Morgan, which is what we call her. There are going to be a lot of battles. It’s a story of a guy and his half-sister, who both have equal claims to the crown, throne and the realm. She’s denied because she’s a woman, so Merlin brings Arthur to the crown and she’s going to resent Merlin’s actions, which will play out through the season. They will have a lot to do with each other because putting Joe with Eva on screen is one of the great joys of this show.
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Хотя, я все равно воспринимаю Артуриану скорее не через призму
Мэлори (который сплошные лулзы), а скорее через восхитительную тетралогию
Мэри Стюарт. Хотя, хочется еще все три части эпоса
Мишеля Рио прочитать и таки взяться за "
Туманы Авалона" - все их так нахваливают, может и в самом деле лучше фильма?)))
brit, my love,
Merlin, oh my God!,
i'm a fan,
funny stuff