фанат гета и паштета
Сдается мне, Мэтт недоборщил с сарказмом 

Interviewer: You have the new single out now, which is the Neutron Star Collision (love is forever)
Matt: Apparently
Interviewer: Long title. That's the new single for the new Twilight Soundtrack
Dom: Indeed
Interviewer: Was that also your boss that said 'DO THIS'
Matt: Well yeah that was a different boss, that was stephenie (pauses and thinks) mey- *shakes head*
Dom: Stephenie Meyer
Matt: Stephenie Meyer the novelist uh, author and uh she uh, I made a pwomise to her many years ago before she became REALLY famous before the films was made she said 'oh i love your music if my books get made into a film I wanna use your music' and I said 'yeah sure'
Interviewer: So that's a promise from-
Matt: Yeah I'm a man of my word
-ROCK AM RING INTERVIEW from mtv, 6/06/10

Interviewer: You have the new single out now, which is the Neutron Star Collision (love is forever)
Matt: Apparently
Interviewer: Long title. That's the new single for the new Twilight Soundtrack
Dom: Indeed
Interviewer: Was that also your boss that said 'DO THIS'
Matt: Well yeah that was a different boss, that was stephenie (pauses and thinks) mey- *shakes head*
Dom: Stephenie Meyer
Matt: Stephenie Meyer the novelist uh, author and uh she uh, I made a pwomise to her many years ago before she became REALLY famous before the films was made she said 'oh i love your music if my books get made into a film I wanna use your music' and I said 'yeah sure'
Interviewer: So that's a promise from-
Matt: Yeah I'm a man of my word
-ROCK AM RING INTERVIEW from mtv, 6/06/10
спалилчсо - не то слово!
а это интервью где-нибудь целиком есть?) А то соскучилась по мальчикам - ужас!))
в смысле видео?) конечно есть) но не в текстовом варианте, к сожалению(
*_* спасибо!)))
примерно так я это себе и представляла...Посмотрела интервью полностью - ы, они так позитивят *__*
то я подозревала, что это все произошло по принципу "Не откажешь же фану"
еще бы они заявки принимали от фанов, а?) отбою не было бы!
ы, они так позитивят *__*
а мне теперь нужна доза концерников. Чтоб энергия и все дела))