Пиздец, я читаю фик, в котором вполне вхарактерный Тамаки вхарактерно курит марихуану...

Today, he was brooding upon a windowsill, the glass slightly cracked open. He lifted a smoking joint to his lips, inhaled, and gave quite possibly the most dramatic puff any of them had ever witnessed. It almost made marijuana seem magical. Almost.

“How come you’ve been so standoffish all day, Tono?” Kaoru asked.
“You haven’t spazzed out or acted like a total queer once.”
“And to be honest,” they started in unison. “It’s pretty scary.”
Indeed it was a horrific day when their king did not behave like a complete idiot or a stereotypical, effeminate, flamboyantly homosexual male.

ОМГ, лучше б я спала... T_T