Я обожаю эти шикарные пересказы серий Мерлина!)))
о 2.04
This week on Merlin, Arthur has feelings for Gwen, Gwen has feelings for Arthur and Lancelot, Lancelot has feelings for Gwen, Morgana and Gwen have feelings for each other and Merlin and Arthur have feelings too. Everybody now – feeeeeelings… nothing more than feeeeeelings…
Also: Gwen gets saved by a grand total of ninety people, Arthur gets stabbed in the heart (figuratively, of course), and did I mention that everyone loves Gwen a lot? Just want to make that clear.
Arthur looks highly concerned about his not-girlfriend/future wife and less concerned about his not-sister/not-babymama. I’m concerned about Arthur’s priorities.
Back in the Multi-Purpose Chamber, Uther rolls his eyes all huge like and goes, “Damn it, Arthur! Something terrible has happened to Morgana again? You suck!” And Arthur goes, “But Gwen!!1!1!” And Merlin is all, “But two sides of the same coin, remember!?”
Over at the Paparazzi base camp, Morgana remembers that she’s awesome and ass-kicking, thank God. She and Gwen comprise a plan that involves a strip tease and a sword. It’s a great plan
And in the end everyone has feelings and Lance runs away into the night and everyone has more feelings. Why don’t they just have an orgy and be done with it? That’s my two cents on this love octagon or whatever the heck it is.
| понедельник, 26 апреля 2010